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Design system


A drawer is a panel that is typically overlaid on top of a page and slides in from off-canvas (tied to a side of the screen). It contains a set of information or actions. Since the user can interact with the Drawer without leaving the current page, tasks can be achieved more efficiently within the same context.

Bundle size: 0
npm install @washingtonpost/wpds-ui-kit
import { Drawer } from "@washingtonpost/wpds-ui-kit"
Storybook:  View on Storybook
Source:  View on Github


Note: Image is not to scale

  1. Container
  2. Button icon
  3. Scrim



The drawer can be attached to any side of the screen.

Optional Close

The drawer close button icon can be optional.

Optional Scrim

The scrim is optional when using the drawer. Should note that without a scrim, it is recommended to have a close button to ensure users can close the drawer if that is desired.

Optional Scrim color

The scrim color can be changed by defining the color using one of our background colors from our tokens

Drawer color

The drawer color can be changed by defining the color using one of our background colors from our tokens.

Height and Width

Drawer width and height can be defined. Height can be defined if the position is top or bottom and width can be defined if the position is right or left.



When the close button icon is rendered, the drawer can be closed by either clicking the scrim or the close button. Note: The drawer can be set to open and will remain open even if the scrim is clicked on.

Content overflow

Content will overflow, both vertically and horizontally, in the drawer by default.


Content should be accessible

Do not combine colors of the drawer where text is not accessible to the user. Read more about WCAG accessible contrast requirements.

Avoid full screen

A drawer should never take the fullscreen of the viewer window. The drawer should always leave at least 1/3 of the screen available.

API Reference

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